Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to stay organized in an online course

My computer keys
  Taking a course online requires some careful organization.  There isn't a professor standing in front of you saying "Hand in your homework next Tuesday".  Some online professors will be more proactive and will post reminders or send email announcements, but others will simply post a syllabus at the beginning of the semester and expect you to keep up.

I began my online courses trying to organize myself in the same way I had for on-campus classes; with notebooks and folders of papers.  I struggled through this method for a few years with online courses before throwing in the towel and changing my organization style (okay, credit where credits due- it was my husband who finally convinced me to start organizing like an online student instead of an on campus one).  Here are my best tips for staying organized with your online coursework.

1. Print out your syllabus
     The first day of classes, print out the syllabus from the class and post it on the wall near your desk (or usual workspace, or your fridge... somewhere you are guaranteed to see it daily!)  I assume you're taking online classes because you have a job or family that prevents you from commuting to a campus every day, and with all of that "life" going on it is much easier than you think to miss a deadline if you don't organize yourself right away.

2. Learn "snap screen", love "snap screen".
     If there was one tip I could give you about being an online student, it would probably be to snap screen.  If you have a newer version of windows, this is easily accomplished by dragging the window you are viewing to the far left or right, at which point it will "snap" to automatically fill half the screen.  Use half of the screen to view readings or watch lectures, and open up a word document on the other half of the screen to take notes.  This process allows you to easily name and match documents to readings or lectures.  If you don't have a "snap screen" feature, then you'll have to adjust the windows manually so that both fit on the screen at the same time.  Learning to use this feature will really help!

3. Stop printing everything!
     Part of the beauty of online learning is that you can accomplish schoolwork wherever you happen to be.  By continuing to print out all of your readings and homework, you're bringing your education back into the 20th century.  The adjustment to having everything on the computer can be tough, but it will make being an online student SO MUCH EASIER!

4. Strategically store your information.
      Here is how you are going to keep track of your new college courses.  1. In "My documents", make a new folder titled "College" or "University of Awesome" or "Go Llamas!"... whatever.  Then within that folder, make a folder for that Semester "Fall 2013", in your semester folder, make a folder for each class you are enrolled in "Psychology 120" and within each class folder make new folders as appropriate "Lecture notes" "homeworks" "Research papers", etc.  If this sounds crazy and like a ridiculous amount of folders... well it is a lot of folders, but it isn't ridiculous and it's the best way to stay organized (and sane!) when taking online classes.  

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